Wednesday, November 9, 2011

oh what up blogosphere?

Well hello there my friend. I don't know how you got here. Maybe you're one of my faithful followers on twitter and you want to know how does Phil come up with such great tweets? Maybe you're one of my so-called facebook "friends" and you don't have anything to do today, so you clicked on a link to my blog with the mindset of, "Oh great, yet another blog about a 20-something who feels the need to share his feelings with the world. Get out of high school already!" Perhaps you Googled "World's most attractive single Asian-American male" and boom, here you are. Maybe you're thinking, "This guy is an idiot, he spelled 'rain' wrong in the title of his blog." Contrary to popular belief, I'm an above average speller (thanks High Point Elementary School!). The reign I refer to has nothing to do with the precipitation that has plagued my last two quarters at THE Ohio State University. No, it refers to Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. With that last statement, I probably lost a lot readers and all my Christian friends are going "oh snap, he's about to drop some knowledge! Go Jesus!"

Yeah, I'm a Christian, or if you don't prefer labels, a follower of Christ, one who loves Jesus and has given him lordship over my life, and I want nothing more than to see God's kingdom reigning in my life, in this city, in this nation, in this world. I don't pretend to be perfect. I don't mean to be yet another pretentious holier than thou person who got a hold of a keyboard and started posting Jesus comments on youtube videos and yahoo news articles. No, I'm just going to let you know what Jesus has done in my life and how he influences every hour I live. If you just tasted the world's best ice cream flavor (it's graeters black raspberry chip by the way), wouldn't you want to share that revelation with the entire world? Well that's what I want to do. I believe that with Jesus on the throne of your life, your life will never lack meaning or purpose. I don't say your life will be fun and easy and you'll live happily ever after, because I'm not in the business of lying to people. If someone told you that if you became a Christian your life would be instantly better, I'd like to meet that person and punch him in the face. But Jesus can forgive you of your sins and restore your life and shape it in a way that fits into God's perfect plan. What that means in your life personally, I can't say. All I know is that the intimacy with God that I've experienced is awesome and I trust a perfect God with my life more than anything else on this earth.

So if you're still reading this, good for you! I hope you come back for my blend of life, humor, and truth. Well... see ya 

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